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IPAF Competent Assessed Person (CAP)


Course Overview

Number of Delegates: Maximum 4

Duration: 1 Day

Overview: The IPAF CAP programme extends the promotion of a safety culture to machine maintenance as well as operation. It is intended to provide guidance for platform engineers on compliance with regulatory requirements and to offer documented evidence that individuals can be regarded as competent persons to plan, manage or carry out thorough examinations of powered access equipment within the context of current legislation.


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Who Should Attend

Platform engineers or anyone who is responsible for the safety and maintenance of powered access equipment (MEWPs) and for ensuring that examinations have been carried out.


Course Content

Morning Agenda:

  • Introductions and definitions

  • Requirements and formulations of thorough examinations

  • Test paper 1 and discussion

  • Performance of thorough examinations

  • Thorough examinations records

Afternoon Agenda:

  • Defect reporting

  • Test paper 2 and discussion

  • Practical exercise

  • Questions and answer session

  • Individual interviews / assessments


Final Qualification

Delegates who successfully complete the course will receive electronic documentation of their certification as a Qualified Person and an IPAF CAP card. The card is valid for 5 years, after which the delegate would need to be reassessed. If the delegate require a hardcopy IPAF Card & Certificate an extra cost of £15.00 + VAT applies.


Additional Information

Delegates who are attending this course will be checked for their engineering and relevant technical experience and therefore eligibility to attend the CAP Assessment course. Delegates must hold a CPCS or IPAF Operator card in the categories they require.

Completion of the experience and training profile scorecard, along with supporting documentary evidence will be required and verified prior to attendance.



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