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CITB Site Safety Plus certificate expiry - grace period update

CITB Site Safety Plus certificate expiry - grace period update

CITB has confirmed the introduction of a revised grace period for SMSTS / SSSTS, to support delegates who are unable to access a refresher course due to the new lockdown measures implemented across the UK.

All delegates have until 30 April 2021 to join a SSSTS/SMSTS refresher course, if their current certificate expired after the 01 October 2020.  Any delegate whose certificate expired before the 01 October 2020 will be required to join a full SMSTS / SSSTS course, rather than the refresher equivalent.

You can see availability and book your refresher course on our website:

     • SMSTS Refresher

     • SSSTS Refresher

CITB will continue to review the situation on a regular basis and will communicate any further updates if Government advice changes.

If you questions or if you need help booking a SMSTS / SSSTS refresher course please contact us on 01924 601042 or you can send us an email to enquiries@utntraining.co.uk.

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